4 (Unfortunate) Reasons Non-Profits Don’t Collaborate on Technology

Foundations increasingly want to widen their impact by funding non-profits that have a collaboration plan in place and are demonstrating the capability to work collectively rather than in isolation. Several things are preventing non-profits from collaborating on technology where it's involved.

3 Questions That Manufacturers Struggle With Data Need To Answer

No manufacturer is immune to the potential negative effects of information overload. And no manufacturer can avoid a future in which the amount of data created and collected will rise exponentially. Therefore, it is a matter of when, not if, a strategy to effectively manage this growing mountain of data should be developed.

Curiosity Is As Important As Intelligence

“Curiosity is more important than knowledge.” – Albert Einstein

A compelling article in Harvard Business Review titled "Curiosity Is as Important as Intelligence" reminds me of why some professional service firms are just better than others.

Business-Critical Software: Build or Buy?

As an information management consulting firm, we are often asked by companies for advice on whether to buy commercial off-the-shelf software or custom develop software. The answer isn’t always easy to arrive at and usually depends on several key factors, which are outlined below.

The Mistake of Viewing Investments as Expenses

People sometimes look at an expense and an investment as one in the same, but they can be very different, and a company’s philosophy towards each says a lot about its ability to manage business ups and downs over the long run.

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