A Much Better Way To Acquire New Customers

Ever wish you could track a visitor’s specific actions on your website after sending him an email marketing message? You can. Once the tracking is in place, the potential for converting visitors into new customers increases substantially.

Case Study: The Potential of Your Data Paying Off in a Big Way

A challenge facing many companies: Using your own data, how could you develop a more predictable sales funnel, one which results in revenue gains that are achieved more reliably and cost-effectively? And how could you optimize for actual sales rather than just leads, most of which turn are poor quality to begin with? Here’s one approach.

Mismanaging Critical Data Introduces All Kinds Of Risk

Risk associated with mismanaging critical data is rising, impacting everything from a company's reputation to its profitability. Annually, this represents a substantial amount of preventable cost and lost opportunities. Just as bad, the problem is a secret to nobody. Everyone in the company sees that data problems don’t ever seem to get resolved and not enough is being done about it.

Triple Helix Moderates Roundtable Discussion On Nonprofit Strategic Technology Planning

Triple Helix joined two other organizations to facilitate a discussion on strategic technology planning between 20 non-profit executives. The intent of the session was to look at technology planning more holistically than is typically done, in this case combining IT infrastructure, organizational data and privacy/security in an overlapping discussion.

Is Shaming Executives Sometimes Necessary?

Imagine claiming your house is secure but not knowing how many doors it has? Or that your kids are safe but not knowing where they are? Amazingly, this is what is still happening at most companies when it comes to data protection in preventing data breaches. The people in power nod affirmatively about their critical data being secure but in reality have no clue whether it is. They just hope it is.

Making Nonprofits A More Attractive Work Option For Millennials

Nonprofit leaders can show Millennials how their ideas can influence the direction of a nonprofit, and by doing so will help change the perception of what working in this sector can be all about. It will also land nonprofits valuable employees that otherwise would be looking elsewhere for work.

Penetrating A Customer’s Trust Circle

Gaining trust. A challenge these days for sure. The reasons why a person or company languishes outside a circle of trust are often quite simple, but discovering what those are can be a rough emotional ride.

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