• So you've decided you are ready to take your business to the next level with a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software solution - what's next?

    Join 3XC CEO Jason Bittner accompanied by Senior Developer Andy Webster and Marketing Director Lauren Gulli as they walk you through their ERP selection process - and how they make sure they are choosing the best software solutions for their clients.

    Episode #5
    Date Recorded: 2022-11-09
    Duration: Runtime: 14:29
  • Join CEO Jason Bittner accompanied by Developers Pedro Lopes and Samantha Sheldon as they take a break from their regularly scheduled podcast content to bring you this fun and exciting exclusive bonus content - reflecting on some of their favorite childhood Halloween memories!

    Episode #4 Bonus Clip
    Date Recorded: 2022-11-10
    Duration: Runtime: 7:18
  • With every website you visit requiring a unique password, it can seem impossible to keep up with. We are joined in studio by Triple Helix CEO Jason Bittner along with Developers Pedro Lopes and Samantha Sheldon to discuss why not only having a strong password is important but how a Password Manager can help you manage your growing list of passwords more efficiently!

    Episode #4
    Date Recorded: 2022-09-23
    Duration: Runtime: 20:05
  • At Triple Helix Corporation, we are all video game lovers at heart! Dive into a conversation with CEO Jason Bittner, Senior Developer Andy Webster and Developer Pedro Lopes as they discuss some of their favorite video games in this exciting bonus content!

    Episode #3 Bonus Clip
    Date Recorded: 2022-08-31
    Duration: Runtime: 8:31
  • ERPs are increasing in popularity every day and are an excellent solution to making the most of your growing business data. But, how do you know when the right time is to introduce one? Dive into a conversation with CEO Jason Bittner, Senior Developer Andy Webster and Developer Pedro Lopes as they explore the ins and outs of ERP integration and when to make the switch.

    Episode #3
    Date Recorded: 2022-08-17
    Duration: Runtime: 21:06
  • In this episode of Helix Insider, we will chat with Triple Helix CEO Jason Bittner, Senior Web Developer Andy Webster and Web Developer Pedro Lopes. Our development team will dive into different strategies they have implemented with our existing customers to improve their overall data management processes.

    Episode #2
    Date Recorded: 2022-04-27
    Duration: Runtime: 18:10
  • Triple Helix builds enterprise quality web applications and at the heart of those applications are databases. In this episode, we are going to dig a little deeper into what a database is and why you should care.

    Episode #1
    Date Recorded: 2022-04-04
    Duration: Runtime: 22:33